
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

selling my house

My house is on the market: I feel a mixture of complete relief to have some major projects completed and a sudden urge to vomit..... selling a house ain't pretty. It ain't for the lazy either. It is some dang hard work! But here are the online photos- sorry the quality isn't better- I didn't take them.

I hope someone loves my dark orange ceiling as much as I do.....

Seriously? I'm leaving this room just as I barely completed it? Seriously? When we painted those stripes we believed we would live here forever..... I will have to have a funky ceiling in my next home and black walls too and a funky light. Why am I leaving again?

Newly painted grey kitchen. It's official. I. Love. Grey. And I love to spell it with and E instead of A. I feel fancy.....

It took me awhile to come around to grey. It seemed cold to me. It was hard to leave brown and beige and red. But I'm ok. I'm hangin' with the cool kids now :)

This old window that hangs on this wall I've had for over 12 years. I put a James Blunt song lyric on it "there must be an angel, with a smile on her face, when she thought that I should be with you". I love it. Absolutely love it.

That chalkboard on the door is permanately attached. I will have to leave it behind. Sorry sis, it is lovely. Thank you for making it for me. Hope the next family writes love notes on it.....

We had to remove the mason jar chandelier. We definitely wanted to take it with us. Apparently, our realtor felt that others wouldn't "appreciate" it. OUCH! Some people just don't have awesome taste..... So they can have this boring fan. Have I ever told you how much I dislike fans? I feel like spiders are crawling on me as my hair wisps around. (eww, shudder)

My master bedroom/ media room/ living room. Our entire family lives here. We fold laundry, watch movies and literally spend 90% of our time in this 17x17 room. I hope that doesn't change in our new home.

I'm gonna miss Morgan's room too. It is a happy place. I still love the hot pink and polka dots and turquoise....

Taylor's room never got a makeover. It's still little girl and pink. She now hates pink. How sad! The fun swing though makes up for her room lacking in style. Not sure why the realtor wanted the mason jar chandy down and not this swing? Oh well, less work for us!

K's wall finally got finished. Just in time to sell. Nice.... (add sarcasm)

Game room- a little on the boring side.

Stair case wall gallery. What a complete pain in the tush to do..... but worth it if you ask me!
Ok- I've shown you almost every room in this house. I'm ok with moving on. Now someone come buy it- I can't keep up this ruse that I'm this clean!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Are you mint M and M worthy?

This is the letter I will be mailing the Mars company after I mauled a woman with my shopping cart to reach the last bag of Mint M&M's at Target today. I'm hoping they pay my lawyers fees after I practically put a woman in the hospital to get that last bag of minty perfection! Anyone else out there feel that M&M's seasonal bags are just plain teases?

Dear M&M Company,

As I tuck my children into bed tonight I watch their quivering lips, hungry for chocolatey minty goodness that will never be. I have to sadly tell them that I cannot share my last bag of mint M&M’s because I’m hoarding it to myself. My children will never know the taste of a perfect combination of chocolate to mint ratio. How sad it is that they grow up in a world where mint M&M’s are only seasonal. They come only for a few short weeks to tease us…. and then they’re gone like a perfect dream. Was it even real? Were they REALLY that good? But I cannot, WILL NOT, forget that refreshing taste as it entered my mouth, causing me to tune out the children fighting in the back seat. I can no longer smell the sour bottle of milk that tipped over and is now where to be found between the car seats, because I am savoring the taste of perfection. Mint M&M’s is my sanity as a stay at home mom of 3 and you have taken that away…..

As a mint M&M connoisseur, I like to sweep in and save other mother’s from their chocolate withdrawls, dropping off a bag of your addicting sugar to numb them from the sleep deprivation and crying torture they’ve surely endured. But sadly, some friends have realized they are NOT “mint M&M worthy” because of mint shortages, and the friendship becomes unrepairable. Oh stop this madness I beg of you!

I have hit a new low as I am asked by grocery employees if “it was really worth it?” to ram another shopper with my cart to reach that last bag of mint M&M’s? “Yes! Yes it was!” WWF wrestling aint got nothin’ on this desperate mama! But I feel no shame. I feel victorious! I will likely send the woman I mauled a "get-well bag of your plain M&M’s in the hospital as she recovers from her hip replacement that I may, or may not, have caused.

This is the world we live in now. You have created this with your mint- teasing, chocolate expert ways. This must end, before someone else gets hurt!

a desperate mint loving, M&M hoarding, shopping-cart-drag-racing addict

Lets get a petition together: we need more mint M&M's!!!