
Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween/Birthday Party

My little guy turned 4 over the weekend and he's not so little anymore. Boo hoo! I've been busy throwing a birthday/ halloween party for him.  He wanted a Captain America Party.  And then he wanted a shark party.  And then he wanted a spiderman party.  The kid can't make up his mind- so I did for him.  Captain America/ Halloween.  Goes perfectly together right?  First I had to get the house spookified:


Paper bats: easiest decoration ever.  We've had these for the last 2 years and have to add to them periodically.


Here's the party invite I ordered here:  She changed it with my info of course.
I bought some potion looking bottles at Hobby Lobby and filled them with halloween chocolate sixlets.  I opened about 100 tiny little bags to fill the jars.  And only ate about half.  go me!  I attached a tag that said "Witches Poo.  Eat if you dare"  Mmm.  Mmm.  Good!

The jar behind it is a slightly moldy cauliflower I was throwing out.  My husband carved it to make it look more brain like and added apple cider vinegar.  We lovingly named it A.B. Normal.  From the Young Frankenstein movie.

Here's a picture of our spread.  I decided yummy food was better than creepy looking nasty food.  I just named each thing a creepy name.  Like Road Kill Stew for Chili.  And Guacamoldy for the dip.  You get the idea.

Here's the happy birthday boy.  With his awesome red velvet cake made by my friend Megan.  He was thrilled and so were we!  She also made awesome halloween cupcakes as well that I sadly realized I didn't get a chance to take pictures of before they were devoured.  And they were devoured!  Chocolate chunk cupcakes do no sit around for long!  You get a glimpse of them in the picture above.  

My feet were so sore and I threw my back out, but it was all worth it.  The kids, the adults and I all had fun!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Turquoise dresser

If you haven't noticed Sisters with flair has been missing some sisters.  Little lonely over here, but Mandy-cakes came thru with a fab dresser makeover.  Minus the before pictures.... Sorry.  But the after shots will win over your paint-envy hearts!

 Here's the dresser/beauty she scored for $15.  Can you say jealous?  Trust me when I say, I lay awake at night wondering how I could drive 3000 miles and sneak it out of her house.  If I had to go to jail it would totally be worth it!  That pop of color?  The mod retro lines?  Adorbs!  It really brightens up the room!

And then of course she needed some fun pillows.  So this fabric was a perfect choice to tie in the credenza.  Not super matchy matchy.  Just complimentary.  Which equals perfection!

Here's the up close and fabulous shot.  She used Zinsser bonding primer and then regular latex paint.  And she swears by the Zinsser primer.  (Wish I had known about this before we painted and then sanded and repainted a dresser).  No sanding necessary with that stuff!  I'm in love with fun, bright colored furniture.  It just makes me happy!