
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Baby Boy Tie Giveaway!

Ahh, back to real life. Not quite as refreshing as being waited on by mom, but vacation couldn't last forever. My baby boy necktie sales weren't as great as I'd hoped, but my loss is your gain! I've got ties a-plenty! I'm giving away 2 neckties to the winner. I have four sizes 0-6 months through 2T. All you need to do is leave a comment and I'll announce a winner at the end of the month!


  1. I'm sorry your ties didn't sell like you would have liked, I have to say that i am so surprised because they are ADORABLE!!! I'd buy some!!! How much do you sell them for or where do I go to buy some???

  2. Oh so cute! I want one! I'm always looking for cute new ties for my little boys. How much?

  3. I sure hope I win, because I have two little boys who would look quite dashing in them!

  4. I have a little mister one of these ties would look fab on! Thanks

  5. I LOVE the ties!! I think the 7th comment on the 7th of May should certainly be the winner!!:)

  6. I have been wanting to make ties for all the guys in my house forever. Just when I thought I'd figure it out, my sewing machine died on me. Hope I win!! hee hee

  7. I've got two boys at home! thanks for the chance~
    annemolino at hotmail dot com

  8. Those ties would look great on my two boys!!
    goofytk37 at yahoo dot com

  9. So I'll throw my name in there. There is just never any time in the day to make more than the two I have. I'll cross my fingers! You are just to stinkin' crafty, lady! You blow my mind.

  10. I love all of the bright colors! Especially the orange and blue ones.

  11. I love these ties! I did buy two at appleblossom, but the more the merrier!

  12. I love them!!! You are so talented!

  13. Those ties are too cute and would look even cuter on my little guy!
