Embarrassing right? So we stripped the wall paper. Major pain. Lots of windex and scraping. But that's what husband's love doing on their weekends right? I like to think so. After the wallpaper was removed then we went on to texturizing the walls with lightweight joint compound and some trowels. If wallpaper removal is a nightmare then texturizing is H. E. Double Hockey Sticks!! Again, I shouldn't complain. I didn't do any of this. But I was doing the complaining for my husband's sake...... since he doesn't complain, I have to complain for the both of us. Complaining is my talent. Next step, which I did help with, is striping the ceiling. Here's a tip: To avoid bleeding, we painted the ceiling white. Taped it with scotch painters tape. And painted over the tape with the same white paint. That sealed the tape to the ceiling and it probably bled, but it bled the same color. After it was dry, we painted on the yellow stripe.
And Voila! My finished ceiling. The white is called Moon Rise by Behr. The yellow is called Sunflower by Behr. My gorgeous off black wall is Behr (Primer +Paint) in Cracked Pepper. My fun light fixture from Ikea. (some assembly required is the biggest UNderstatement!)

The french doors are always open now. It just makes me happy to look up and see this wall. Isn't it fun with a side of crazy? That's how I like my rooms to feel....

Next up, finding fabric for the drapes. So far I've struck out, twice. And then I've got 3 more walls with big DIY projects to complete as well. Looks like this weekend won't be quite as relaxing as I hoped. One day this office will be finished. I just hope my kids aren't in college before that happens.....
I linked to these fabulous sites: