Sunday night can be a bit stressful, looking at the week's calendar filled with a long to-do list, a fun weekend behind you and 5 days of business til the next break. I suffer from Sunday Night depression. Always have. The one thing that cheers me up? Treats! It's been a childhood tradition of smelling fresh baked cinnamon rolls or carmel corn or fresh berry pies on Sunday evenings. I miss home. Sniff, sniff. I miss having a personal chef & housekeeper aka: newly appreciated mom. My kids got a rotten draw for homemade goodness when they got me as a mom. But who says they can't have fun treats? Enter the white trash cook......
Here is my Sunday Night treat. Sorry kids, the homemade cinnamon rolls won't happen unless dad's feeling generous. The home made pies won't be baked unless you go to Grammy's house. My culinary skills are shameful, especially with all my training! Atleast I recognize my failures right?
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Photo wall is done!
Wow. I did it. I finally hung the photos I purchased from and it only took 8 months. Just call me speedy. The problem was that I couldn't decide on frames. With 9 photos, I felt like I was seeing a whole lot of frame and not really noticing the photos. I love the colors and feeling of the photos and really wanted them to pop out more than the wood frames. I chose glass edgeless frames from Hobby Lobby and they were a steal at 3.99 a pop. Only $36 for all 9. The photos were purchased from my favorite artist on etsy found here for $30. So my whole project cost under $70, which isn't my cheapest project. But it's also unique. And can you really put a price on unique? (um, yes. $66) Anyway, here's a before shot of my entry way:
Here's another shot with a DIY project that didn't last long. I got tired of it. It seemed too dark for me.
And here is my bright new entry way. I love the fun colors in these photos. Now I just need accessories for the console top. That's where I get stuck. Every. Time. Accessories can look junky to me. It's my nemesis. My love/hate relationship. Any suggestions?

I'm thinking of buying 3 more prints to add to my set. I have such high ceilings and I might need to go bigger. I love groups of 9 but a group of 12 could work here too. I think.

And here is my bright new entry way. I love the fun colors in these photos. Now I just need accessories for the console top. That's where I get stuck. Every. Time. Accessories can look junky to me. It's my nemesis. My love/hate relationship. Any suggestions?

I'm thinking of buying 3 more prints to add to my set. I have such high ceilings and I might need to go bigger. I love groups of 9 but a group of 12 could work here too. I think.

Monday, July 4, 2011
Porch swings and Pinterest
I lay awake at night with a thousand ideas in my head, unable to sleep with so many creations floating in my mind. But then in the morning, I have no energy to make them. Oh! The ridiculous cycle! Last night I woke up with porch swings on my mind. I had no idea I wanted one. I have a rickety one that was given as a gift, that I'm a little leary of sitting on. I have a huge covered porch in the front of my house. I live at the end of a culdesac and a comfy porch swing would be perfect to watch the kids ride bikes while sitting out there. Well, it would be perfect if an A/C unit was attached to it. Maybe more like a winter porch swing. I much prefer winters in Texas than summers. With my ideas in my head, I searched on (beware: this site is like crack! Wish I was kidding) and found some easily made twin beds turned swings. Here's my favorites:
Very rustic- possibly an old door turned swing? Looks do-able though, right?