Ahoy there Mateys! This little guy turned 3 today and yesterday we had his big birthday bash. It was really nice to have the party yesterday so I can spend today grieving over how he's gotten so big so quickly. I'm just sure I'm going to wake up tomorrow and have to send him off to college. Wasn't his invite cute? My fabo sister Annie did this for me, she's always willing to help me with my photoshopping requests. Thanks An!

When the kids showed up they could put on their bandanas, tattoos, eye patches, and open their treasure maps. Below is my little (BIG!) boy licking the frosting off his cupcake before we even had a chance to sing happy birthday.
He has been loving all things pirate lately. When we went to Texas, his older cousins made him a treasure chest (made out of a diaper wipe box- clever girls!), gold dab loons, and a treasure map. He still carries those gold foam coins around everywhere. So I thought a pirate party would be perfect for him.

I went easy on the food since it was about 7 of his preschooler friends (and their parents). Goldfish crackers hit the spot.

Oranges for Scurvy

Grape Cannonballs- after the party ended we were playing outside and I realized Zeke was missing. I found him under the table with 5 empty cups of grapes- he LOVES them.

Snicker Salad aka Hidden Treasure Salad. I love this stuff because everyone always thinks it's gross potato salad and by the time they all realize it's good, I've already eaten it all!

And Cupcakes. Could not think of a clever name. Ah, oh well.

And the table set up. I bought the black and white striped fabric at the HOME fabric store (love that place!) I already had the red and white polka dot fabric and bought the creepy netting from the dollar store! I actually found a ton of pirate stuff from the dollar store. I was able to do the whole party for under $130 because of it!

I spray painted little gold boxes and their parents helped them decorate the boxes with jewels and stickers.

The hit of the party- I buried TONS of necklaces and fake coins in here. The kids played in here for a long time!

Walk the plank. My boy jumps of everything possible, so he thought this was awesome. I think I'll leave it in the yard for a while for him to enjoy.

We didn't end up even playing "Pin the eye patch on the pirate", but it looked cute anyway.

I was really glad to have my vinyl cutter for this party. I also made a "jolly roger" flag, but forgot a picture! And I cut some vinyl for my old window in my living room that said "Shiver me timbers!" I know, I know, worst blogger award goes to me.

I gave all the kids maps at the beginning of the party and we hid a big box full of their goodie bags, I found this idea somewhere on pintrest, to make them look like treasure chests. Inside I had little bags of gold (mini reeses), tattoos, party blowers, and ring pops. It was so fun to put together, but I've never done a "kids only" party before and I was EXHAUSTED after! But it was so worth it to make a fun day for my big boy! Ok, now I'm off to go look at his baby books and cry...
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