My little man is a big boy now and moved out of his crib. Sniff, sniff. It was actually a much easier transition than I had thought. The biggest obstacle was finding the perfect bedding, which never happened. I mean, I would've found some if I was willing to pay $350. But I'm sorry, my children don't appreciate quality fabrics that are dry clean only. If only I had mad sewing skills and an equal amount of patience I could design my own bedding! But I have neither. So I came up with this simple and inexpensive DIY bedding. I first purchased a heavy weight canvas striped green fabric from Ikea. The cost was $24 for a total of 3 yards. My priciest purchase but the most important part of the room! I simply sewed 3 sides closed and left the top open to insert a down comforter, then attached velcro for the closure. The orange pillow was from Ikea as well and I loved the green & orange together. The pillow insert and pillow case were $22. I found the sheets at Target for $13. I found the navy blanket at TJ Maxx for $12. So the total cost for the bedding was only $71. Pretty good right? The bed was given to us by a friend. SCORE! Let me remind you what it looked like before:

The wall of K's is a little sparce. FYI: Don't try to do a wall of the most popular letter! If I had known that industrial K's or any letter K for that matter were so rare, I would've renamed him! Here is how I transformed one giant letter K from Joann's with some Elmers glue and an Atlas I purchased from the resale shop for $1. I was pretty happy about price tag! You may be wondering why I would use Elmer's glue instead of Mod Podge. Good question. I couldn't find my Mod Podge and being my impatient self, I decided to do use Elmers. Note to self: doesn't work as well!

You can see the map covered K front and center! It took some time to cover all the nooks and crannies but it didn't have to be perfect to look good.

I will continue to be on the hunt for cool letters and hopefully fill this wall one day. The black & white striped K was a fun project too. I painted it white and then used electrical black tape for the stripes. The whole project took less than 3o min, with drying time!

One of my favorite finds was this night stand/ tool chest. I found it at an antique store for $20. It's perfect for holding childrens books. My dad found me the globe at a flea market. The lovely sock monkey quilt on the end of the bed was made by my older sister when he was born. I love the colors in it and it has been my inspiration to this whole room.
Here's the airplane mobile we made from metal planes found at Hobby Lobby and fishing pole materials.

The dresser I want to paint a Union Jack motif on someday. Wouldn't that look so cute on it?

I wanted to avoid a theme that he would out grow so I stuck with colors I love. Brown, Navy, Orange, Red, & Green. Apparantly I've got commitment issues and can't choose so I used them all, and hopefully it works!
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