Sunday, July 29, 2012
You might be a Texan if.....
Someone at the grocery store asked me how long I had lived in Texas and when I replied 6yrs, she said I was "officially a Texan now". Hmm, really? Not feelin' it. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I don't officially feel like I fit in yet. So I came up with a list of what makes a true Texan. If I can relate to half of them, I will officially be a Texan!
So, in my words, you might be a Texan if.......
1. You've had a can of soda explode in your car.....
2. Your purse costs as much as your mortgage pmt....
3. Your dog has more accessories than you do!.....
4. You own as many work-out clothes as you do shoes (but don't necessarily work out)....
5. You've worn pearls with sweatpants....
6. You can say anything snotty about someone but follow it with a "bless her heart" and it's not considered gossip.....
7. You enroll your child in sports before they start walking.....
8. You know the proper use of Y'all, Y'alls & Y'aller......
9. You sign emails with "God Bless".......
10. You bring a sweater to the movies because 76 degrees is just chilly!.......
11. Your children think that snow only comes in a cone with sugary syrup.....
And one more just for fun because I've totally witnessed this (You know who you are!):
12. You cry when you're on vacation in another state and see a Texas license plate......
Texas Pride. There's nothing like it. I'm really happy we live here. Love the people. Love the winters. Getting used to the dogs in purses. Almost used to the crazy sport moms. And will NEVER get used to the summers. But I can't have everything...... or can I?
Friday, July 27, 2012
Metallic silver dresser
My sister Renee had a great idea for a wedding gift for my brother. What newly wed has too much furniture? Um, none! So with the help of my parents- (we live about 15 states away from my parents/ brother/ new SIL) they found a dresser from someone local and when she came up for the wedding she got to work on it. You'll have to excuse the phone photography. Not our best work- but it's how we roll!
Not too shabby eh? If you like the really distressed look it would be fine just like this. I'm dying over the price tag. $10. Insane right? Wish I could score some awesome deals that didn't require Craigslist creepies- going to treacherous basement apartments with creepy guys smoking something questionable and haggling a price for something that doesn't even resemble the posted picture. Eww. Not worth it. My parents just happened to stumble upon this find and had a very nice experience. No questionable smells either. Win win peeps! But now for the after pictures. If you're impatient like me, you've already scrolled down to the after pictures and aren't even bothering to read my boring post.... impatient society. "That's the problem with kids these day!" (insert grandma shaking fist in air)
So cute right? I wanna get married again and have a beautiful wedding again (but really- I would just like to fit in my original wedding dress again!) and then have an awesome sister paint me a dresser and make it look all gorgeous! Ooh and while I'm at it, I want all new fun house-y stuff. Change everything and be like super hip again. Cause after 15yrs the hunter green and maroon towels I registered for aren't so hip. Lets face it, the classic winnie the pooh dishes were never hip. (Me like winnie the pooh? Never!)
So because I don't really think you need another tute on furniture painting I'll just tell you the basics. They first painted the dresser black, then painted it metallic grey. Then did the stencil and then distressed it with sand paper. See how the black shows through after they sanded it a bit?
Did you see the paper lined drawers? They went all out! Gorgeous! Absolutely love it right down to the cute little glass knobs! I may just steal it. Good thing I live so far away or I would've already!
Linking to these fabulous sites:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
awesome gram
I've mentioned earlier that I'm just figuring out instagram and it's awesome! Love love love that I have access to photos I'll actually use. Because, regular phone pics pretty much just stay in my phone and I do nothing with them. But instagram photos suddenly become hip photos. And I instantly feel like a rock star. I upload them to flickr or shutterfly or wherever and can print them. Here's another app though thats really fun- postagram. Take a photo and make it a postcard, send it when your on vacation to those you're missing, birthdays, weddings, a trip to the zoo. Grandparents will love it. Heck I'd love to receive anything that's not a bill in the mail!
Here's a photo that my new SIL's (she's the cutie in a white dress) brother took of their wedding day and sent me a postagram of them cutting the cake. I'm not sure if you can tell but you simply pop out the 3x3 photo and keep. Its printed on pretty good quality paper. Sturdy!

Postagram is a free app and the first 5 postcards are free! After that, only $0.99 to ship! I'm excited thinking of the fun I could have. You know those awkward moments you have with friends? The white elephant party with someone opening a box with a live rat? (Um yeah, those are the kind of friends I have!) Get your phone camera ready and catch their surprised face, you'll still be laughing a week later when the postcard arrives in the mail!
Here's a photo that my new SIL's (she's the cutie in a white dress) brother took of their wedding day and sent me a postagram of them cutting the cake. I'm not sure if you can tell but you simply pop out the 3x3 photo and keep. Its printed on pretty good quality paper. Sturdy!
Postagram is a free app and the first 5 postcards are free! After that, only $0.99 to ship! I'm excited thinking of the fun I could have. You know those awkward moments you have with friends? The white elephant party with someone opening a box with a live rat? (Um yeah, those are the kind of friends I have!) Get your phone camera ready and catch their surprised face, you'll still be laughing a week later when the postcard arrives in the mail!
super sappy gift ideas
I love sentimental gifts. The ones you give and the receiver starts to tear up a little. You know what I'm talking about! The perfect gift- it's my obsession to find. I'm in love with memories. I feel desperate to make and keep them for my family. So hear are some gift ideas I've been collecting- maybe you could use a little gift inspiration.....
super cute book idea and image found here
Seriously? How stinkin' adorb is this idea? Of course the fun typography, amaze balls pictures and bold colors don't hurt either. This screams ultimate gift hands down.
And along the same lines is a Father's day book found here
This Father's Day book is way cuter than the schlumpy one I've been doing and adding to in the past. But I'm still grateful for my schlumpy one with all its funny kids comments. I've also seen a book where you ask the kids 20 questions each year on their birthday and make it into a book. Love that idea!
And because I love photos (obviously!) and the huge sentimental feelings they create I have to include more ideas of what to do with your treasured family photos.
This image is from Martha Stewart. No instructions were included but I assume a little mod podge magic and an old tray or jewelry box could be used to recreate this. I love using old family photos. Of course don't use the original! Scan and print first peeps!
And I'm dying to somehow recreate this bench you know, for under the $2300 british bucks this cost. But isn't dreamy? You can customize it with any quote. I'm thinking of maybe a painted version obviously. But something with beautiful quotes has to be top on top gift giving list. Love sentimental, perfect quotes.
If you have a cajillion dollars go to this site and you can buy it! And then call me, cause I'd love to be friends! :)
And if you have a budget more like me and like funny sayings here's another idea. My mom will totally appreciate this one:
found here with this etsy seller
But if you don't have time to take amazing pictures and make a book or scroll saw a bench poem or mod podge a tray or embroider a hank hill quote, here's some fun gift box ideas. I think gift baskets have come a long way from smoked sausages and cheese. Here's some hipper ideas:
This girl has tons of great ideas for gifts and I love anything that fits into a fun jar. Go here to see more fun!
I love this fun little suit case filled with colorful cupcake supplies. Go here to find all her gift ideas for under $5! I've seen sunshine in a box ideas where everything is yellow and brightens someones day or even ice cream sunday kit in a box with fun cones and ice cream scooper and great toppings. Mmm. Love! But for your more practical friends (aka: me!) I love the idea of fun wrapping supplies or party supplies as a gift. Who doesn't love super cute paper products?? There! You have my ideas or the ones I stole and hopefully will make. I may have blogged a few of them before, but only because they are super awesome and I apparently need to put these ideas to use!
super cute book idea and image found here
Seriously? How stinkin' adorb is this idea? Of course the fun typography, amaze balls pictures and bold colors don't hurt either. This screams ultimate gift hands down.
And along the same lines is a Father's day book found here
This Father's Day book is way cuter than the schlumpy one I've been doing and adding to in the past. But I'm still grateful for my schlumpy one with all its funny kids comments. I've also seen a book where you ask the kids 20 questions each year on their birthday and make it into a book. Love that idea!
And because I love photos (obviously!) and the huge sentimental feelings they create I have to include more ideas of what to do with your treasured family photos.
This image is from Martha Stewart. No instructions were included but I assume a little mod podge magic and an old tray or jewelry box could be used to recreate this. I love using old family photos. Of course don't use the original! Scan and print first peeps!
And I'm dying to somehow recreate this bench you know, for under the $2300 british bucks this cost. But isn't dreamy? You can customize it with any quote. I'm thinking of maybe a painted version obviously. But something with beautiful quotes has to be top on top gift giving list. Love sentimental, perfect quotes.
If you have a cajillion dollars go to this site and you can buy it! And then call me, cause I'd love to be friends! :)
And if you have a budget more like me and like funny sayings here's another idea. My mom will totally appreciate this one:
found here with this etsy seller
But if you don't have time to take amazing pictures and make a book or scroll saw a bench poem or mod podge a tray or embroider a hank hill quote, here's some fun gift box ideas. I think gift baskets have come a long way from smoked sausages and cheese. Here's some hipper ideas:
This girl has tons of great ideas for gifts and I love anything that fits into a fun jar. Go here to see more fun!
I love this fun little suit case filled with colorful cupcake supplies. Go here to find all her gift ideas for under $5! I've seen sunshine in a box ideas where everything is yellow and brightens someones day or even ice cream sunday kit in a box with fun cones and ice cream scooper and great toppings. Mmm. Love! But for your more practical friends (aka: me!) I love the idea of fun wrapping supplies or party supplies as a gift. Who doesn't love super cute paper products?? There! You have my ideas or the ones I stole and hopefully will make. I may have blogged a few of them before, but only because they are super awesome and I apparently need to put these ideas to use!
Monday, July 23, 2012
diy life coach
So I'm thinking that with all our DIY projects-gone-bad, maybe the hours/money wasted doesn't have to be, well..... so wasted. So here it is- "everything I know about what NOT to do" for you newbie DIY-ers. Maybe you can read this and avoid some costly mistakes.
Mistake Number Uno:
Don't skimp on flooring. Do it right the first time, or you'll regret. I promise! We debated back and forth for months on flooring. Get the real wood? Get the engineered wood? The guys at lumber liquidators convinced us that engineered wood was better. They said the installation was easier, especially on our concrete slab. They said it was dent-proof with its oxidized coating and that it could withstand any 3yr old boy. They said it was less likely to warp. Let me tell you- everything they said was wrong!!! We purchased a Brazilian Redwood engineered floor. Glue down right on concrete. Read all the manufacturing directions. Read every tutorial on Lumber Liquidators site. We installed the floor and it looked amazing. Absolutely gorgeous. I was in love...... and then my children walked on it. You know how a glass door looks like with a 3yr olds version of finger painting using a PB&J sandwich? Well you get the idea. Thats what my floor looked like. Every single day. I had to mop that floor and plead with my children to leave on their shoes. When guests came, I begged their children to leave their shoes on! Oily children's feet were horrific on my floors. And a dog on top of it? Well lets just say their aren't enough hours in the day to mop that floor. Warping issues galore- we had to install a whole house humidifier to correct the problem and replace about 30 boards. That's a fun project- to replace boards. The knicks and scratches were horrible. The floor wasn't stained it was naturally a reddish brown, but when you dropped something on it, you got a white mark on it. The wood wouldn't scratch but the top coating would and it was white! Good riddance! It was seriously one of the top reasons we sold our house. I feel so bad for the current owners. They have 4 boys! And a dog! I should send her an apology letter..... and a mop. She's going to go thru a lot of mops! Its been two months since we moved and every day I smile at my real wood floors.
My dream flooring would look more like this: Herringbone. (Sigh)
Mistake #2:
Do your pricing homework. Sometimes you don't save money by doing it yourself. I have had many baby shower gifts and birthday gifts cost double what I would've spent because I didn't do my pricing homework. I just went to the craft store. Purchased every cute piece of fabric I found. Bought all the cute scrapbook paper & supplies and then dropped my jaw at the check out counter and had to go home and "make it happen" with hours of work ahead of me and my lofty quilt idea or b-day banner idea. I have made homemade gifts for years, but now I'm a bit more selective with what I spend time doing. It was getting a bit over the top with time and MONEY! Here's a pricey quilt, and by pricey I mean both money and time. Lil sista Mandy made this and it is adorable!! Totally worth it- especially if I'm the receiver! :)
quilt and tutorial found here:
Mistake #3:
Know when to call a pro. We are horrible painters. I mean, it looks pretty darn nice when we finish painting but only after we spend two weeks painting a small girls bedroom. The house is trashed. Every room is completely torn apart. 7 trips to the hardware store for more paint. Its ridiculous how awful we are at painting. And we Hate it. That's right, with a capital H! I did some paint pricing and have found a painter who will paint a room for $80-100 for labor. Baseboards? Only $20! Ceiling? $20! Seriously? I'm never painting a full room again.
Mistake #4:
Don't trust the "pros" at the hardware store. We've had A LOT of bad advice from them. A wall texture fiasco that we can't get over 6 yrs later. Plumbing advice from Dr Seuss would be better that the "here's whatcha gonna do" at Home Depot. Don't take short cuts. It never works out. Especially when painting furniture. Every time we've skipped sanding, we've regretted it! (However, Im anxious to try the zinsser primer that everyone swears by) Oil based paint is also a requirement on baseboards. Don't let them tell you that their stuff is as good as oil based paint. (You have to go to specialty stores for oil based paint) We bought the "works as good as oil based" paint because it was a whole lot cheaper and paid someone to paint all our baseboards and 6 months later they looked horribly beat up. Was it worth saving $40? Absolutely not! Oil paint people. It's SO much better for furniture, cabinets and BASEBOARDS. It's a must, don't believe otherwise! And another tip because I'm such a fountain of know-it-not knowledge- blogs with step by step instructions are far better for REAL painting results than the people behind the paint counter!
Mistake #5:
No impulse buys. We have had our share of sales that suck us in. And we end up getting something because its cheap instead of getting what we want. "Someday we'll change that ugly light fixture, but for now we'll just get this cheap one". Guess what? Someday never happens and even though the light fixture was only $60. You're stuck with it. Forever. Cause it was a pain in the rumpus to change! We also subscribe now to Consumer Reports. Its great to find out how appliances and large purchases score and whether they'll hold up. A lot of expensive products don't do well! (aka: love sony but don't buy their dvd players!)
I bought this light fixture on clearance for $50 from Lowes
But what I really want is this light fixture from west elm:
Good thing I moved and I have a chance to fix all my wrongs! My first 2 homes were just practice, right? So there's my top 5 mistakes off the top of my head. My loss is your gain! Hopefully you won't have the awful DIY experiences we did. But then again, if i didn't have these falls, I wouldn't be such a crafting genius now either. Bwahahaha! (insert evil genius laugh)
Mistake Number Uno:
Don't skimp on flooring. Do it right the first time, or you'll regret. I promise! We debated back and forth for months on flooring. Get the real wood? Get the engineered wood? The guys at lumber liquidators convinced us that engineered wood was better. They said the installation was easier, especially on our concrete slab. They said it was dent-proof with its oxidized coating and that it could withstand any 3yr old boy. They said it was less likely to warp. Let me tell you- everything they said was wrong!!! We purchased a Brazilian Redwood engineered floor. Glue down right on concrete. Read all the manufacturing directions. Read every tutorial on Lumber Liquidators site. We installed the floor and it looked amazing. Absolutely gorgeous. I was in love...... and then my children walked on it. You know how a glass door looks like with a 3yr olds version of finger painting using a PB&J sandwich? Well you get the idea. Thats what my floor looked like. Every single day. I had to mop that floor and plead with my children to leave on their shoes. When guests came, I begged their children to leave their shoes on! Oily children's feet were horrific on my floors. And a dog on top of it? Well lets just say their aren't enough hours in the day to mop that floor. Warping issues galore- we had to install a whole house humidifier to correct the problem and replace about 30 boards. That's a fun project- to replace boards. The knicks and scratches were horrible. The floor wasn't stained it was naturally a reddish brown, but when you dropped something on it, you got a white mark on it. The wood wouldn't scratch but the top coating would and it was white! Good riddance! It was seriously one of the top reasons we sold our house. I feel so bad for the current owners. They have 4 boys! And a dog! I should send her an apology letter..... and a mop. She's going to go thru a lot of mops! Its been two months since we moved and every day I smile at my real wood floors.
My dream flooring would look more like this: Herringbone. (Sigh)
Mistake #2:
quilt and tutorial found here:
Mistake #3:
Know when to call a pro. We are horrible painters. I mean, it looks pretty darn nice when we finish painting but only after we spend two weeks painting a small girls bedroom. The house is trashed. Every room is completely torn apart. 7 trips to the hardware store for more paint. Its ridiculous how awful we are at painting. And we Hate it. That's right, with a capital H! I did some paint pricing and have found a painter who will paint a room for $80-100 for labor. Baseboards? Only $20! Ceiling? $20! Seriously? I'm never painting a full room again.
Mistake #4:
Don't trust the "pros" at the hardware store. We've had A LOT of bad advice from them. A wall texture fiasco that we can't get over 6 yrs later. Plumbing advice from Dr Seuss would be better that the "here's whatcha gonna do" at Home Depot. Don't take short cuts. It never works out. Especially when painting furniture. Every time we've skipped sanding, we've regretted it! (However, Im anxious to try the zinsser primer that everyone swears by) Oil based paint is also a requirement on baseboards. Don't let them tell you that their stuff is as good as oil based paint. (You have to go to specialty stores for oil based paint) We bought the "works as good as oil based" paint because it was a whole lot cheaper and paid someone to paint all our baseboards and 6 months later they looked horribly beat up. Was it worth saving $40? Absolutely not! Oil paint people. It's SO much better for furniture, cabinets and BASEBOARDS. It's a must, don't believe otherwise! And another tip because I'm such a fountain of know-it-not knowledge- blogs with step by step instructions are far better for REAL painting results than the people behind the paint counter!
Mistake #5:
No impulse buys. We have had our share of sales that suck us in. And we end up getting something because its cheap instead of getting what we want. "Someday we'll change that ugly light fixture, but for now we'll just get this cheap one". Guess what? Someday never happens and even though the light fixture was only $60. You're stuck with it. Forever. Cause it was a pain in the rumpus to change! We also subscribe now to Consumer Reports. Its great to find out how appliances and large purchases score and whether they'll hold up. A lot of expensive products don't do well! (aka: love sony but don't buy their dvd players!)
I bought this light fixture on clearance for $50 from Lowes
But what I really want is this light fixture from west elm:
Good thing I moved and I have a chance to fix all my wrongs! My first 2 homes were just practice, right? So there's my top 5 mistakes off the top of my head. My loss is your gain! Hopefully you won't have the awful DIY experiences we did. But then again, if i didn't have these falls, I wouldn't be such a crafting genius now either. Bwahahaha! (insert evil genius laugh)
Monday, July 16, 2012
i movie love
I'm obsessed with cool home videos. Not the 20 minute- watch the kid open his birthday gifts kind of videos. I want the fun, fast paced, glimpse of everyday life, but sped up with a pop-ish song, home video. After all, we slave away trying to make our children's vacations, birthdays, Christmas, summers amazing and by the end we are so exhausted it was hard to remember what we even did! That's where iPhones, iPads and iMovies come in. I take really fast videos. (Under a minute are the easiest to edit, I prefer 30 seconds.) Add some instagram photos- (cuz i love me some instagram) and then add a fun song. The twangier the better! I find the length of one song is the best length for a video. We're such a fast paced world so why not fast paced home videos? Upload them to and voila! You can share them with friends and family. Just try it- you'll instantly love it. I even made this one below all on my iPhone. No fancy iPad or mac. No need to be upset during long waits at the dr office or carpool. You can make a movie while you wait! *Helpful hint: Vimeo and youtube would only allow me to upload videos that had music that weren't altered (shortened on my video) AND they had to be downloaded from my iTunes account to show authenticity. Maybe someone knows a work around this, but I tried. Using iTunes and iMovie together were the only way I could upload to Facebook, vimeo and youtube. Let me know if you found a way to use music other than from iTunes.
Here's what my first week of summer vacation looked like with my little sister: As you can see, we were over run with kids, kids, kids!
Here's what my first week of summer vacation looked like with my little sister: As you can see, we were over run with kids, kids, kids!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Glimpse of normal life
My life has been a complete whirlwind and I'm searching for some normalcy right about now. We just got back from a month long vacay and I'm dying to get into a routine. I'm anxious for some sort of summer productivity, organization, anything but living out of a suitcase or digging through unpacked boxes to find something. We moved a little over a month ago. With only 25 days to find a home and close on it and move in. Honestly, 24 hours before the movers came to load up the truck I wasn't even sure where they were going to take it! Packing all those boxes made me want to strike a match and watch them all burn (thanks Taylor swift song lyrics- totally in my head now) just so I didn't have to unpack them all! But we survived. Just barely. Stomach flu and all. I can finally laugh about my husband and I having the stomach flu while the furniture was being taken away. It was lovely. I wouldn't have survived without my friends and family whe risked their lives walking into our germ fest. Haha!
So I look around my new home anxious to find some peace and calm. Trying not to focus on all the new projects at hand but instead find happiness in my few areas that don't look so bad. And with that- here is a little glimpse of my happiness right now. (aka: Instagram is also my new happiness. I still don't have my computer up so I'm typing this on my phone and using phone pics.)
So I look around my new home anxious to find some peace and calm. Trying not to focus on all the new projects at hand but instead find happiness in my few areas that don't look so bad. And with that- here is a little glimpse of my happiness right now. (aka: Instagram is also my new happiness. I still don't have my computer up so I'm typing this on my phone and using phone pics.)
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