A certain TV show called me to see more photos of my house this weekend. (insert jumping up and down and squealing like I'm a Justin Bieber fan, which I did, with witnesses to attest) I'm still trying to decide if it was a prank or not. But it made me motivated to really want to complete my home. The problem is that I'm not a decorator. I don't want to know the decorating rules because I'd rather break them anyway. I just love the process of designing a room. I love to go to bed at night dreaming of what I could do with my awful office. I love coming up with crazy ideas & seeing the look on my friend's/hubby's face when I tell them my idea. (They look at me like I'm smokin' something!) The process is fun and finishing my whole house would be like finishing a really good book. I just don't want it to END! So maybe that's why I've never had a finished home. I've been a home owner for 12 years and never had every room decorated in a house. I start one room, hit a bump and jump to the next room. Accessories are my nemesis. They are the jewelry to every room. Without them the room is dull and boring but sometimes you wear the wrong jewelry and you can go from Prom Queen to Lady Gaga. It ain't pretty! Can you imagine wearing a beautiful gown and tennis shoes. Even if your tennis shoes have diamonds on them, it's still a bust. Oh, how I wish accessorizing a room were as easy as picking out the right shoes and bangle! Someone please tell me how to have accessories look personal and not like clutter or off the shelf of TJ Maxx. After taking these pics of my home I realized that even though "less is more" sometimes less is boring. And I never want my home to feel boring. Time to come up with some new crazy ideas for accessories so I can shock my friends and family. Oh, the high I get from shock value! Here is a glimpse of my ever changing home......
Entry Table- Hubby made it after I drooled after seeing it at Pottery Barn. It was a 5yr anniversary present. This artwork is from Bomobob on etsy, hung in edgeless frames. It's fun and cheery.

Stair case Gallery Wall- Work in Progress. I'm thinking of painting the frames fun, bold colors.

View from front door into Family Room- Vintage metal road sign stencils from a flea market. My room color inspiration!

I heart grey zebra rugs....

My pillow find that made me realize I was on the right track with this color scheme.

We can't forget the mason jar chandy that took far longer to install than to make!

My stinky trunks that I love as a side table but note to self: DO NOT OPEN. You'll smell like a 90 year old man's leather shoes.

Morgan's ROOM- The dresser. Why do blogs & tv shows make painting dressers look easy? They aren't!

My favorite part of the room. The canvas I painted with my favorite song lyrics- "the littlest bird sings the prettiest song"..... paper birds top it off.

The Santa Chair- She asked for a white sparkly chair for Christmas. Santa found her a furry one. Close enough right?

Martha inspired clipboards (we're on a first name basis, cause you all know who I'm talking about!) are the perfect clutter catcher. Jewelry, photos, hair clips, momentos all find a home on this wall.

Tissue pom poms and paper lanterns oh my! Can't forget the white polka's made from cardstock and 3M spray adhesive. Good thing I didn't painstakingly paint them!

Kimball's Room- This will change soon. He's growing out of a crib. The end of naps is soon coming! I bought this dresser when I was pregnant with my first. We were just sure the baby was a boy. 2 girls later, the dresser finally found a little boys room for a home. Note to yourself: Don't be impatient and buy gender specific furniture!

My wall of K's. Still working on replacing all the vinyl ones with vintage flea market finds. It's a process. Apparantly the letter K is the most popular. I learned that AFTER naming him. I might have changed his name had I known!

The guest bathroom. The first cabinet painting experience. I didn't love the work it entailed but I loved the result!

The frame was glued onto the boring mirror. Inspired by a Nate Berkus makeover I saw. My friends thought I was crazy, which I am, but I'm fun crazy! Right? I love how it brightens the boring mirror !

The master bedroom- The armoire was a 7yr anniversary gift. Inspired from a Land of Nod armoire, my talented husband made it for me. Vintage handle was found at an antique show. I so, so love this piece!

What? You don't have a saw horse for a bench at the end of your bed? It's a real shin digger at night!

His bedside table. Old vintage ruler with family photos and letters. YES, they are from my family and not strangers!

My side table- I have 8 orchids in the house. I'm obsessed with them. I currently have 9 in my home, all blooming at different times. It's better than collecting cats right? The ceramic egg crate is perfect for bracelets, rings and necklaces found at Anthropologie.

The photos above the bed make me smile every time. My 9 year old took them while we were at an old cemetary. It's very rare that I have photos of the two of us. I'm glad I handed over the camera that day!
Here's a sneak peek into the office that has been a major eye sore from the front door for the last 5 years. That's right peeps, 5 years. And it's still a mess. But now it's a fun mess. And those are the best kinds! Here's your sneak peek- work is still in progress!

There you have it. A glimpse of what I did this weekend. Crossing my fingers my all nighter paid off and my favorite design shows likes what they see! It's fun to dream anyway....