Sisters with Flair

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes-They Don't Suck!

A couple of days ago I showing my husband "our blog," "our blog?" he said, "when was the last time you posted anything for your sisters to read?" He's right, it has been forever and when he whipped up this for breakfast this morning I knew it would be the perfect thing to share.

I’m not much of a breakfast person, coupled with the fact that I’d rather clean up the mess than cook so needless to say I don’t make breakfast. David on the other hand loves to cook and is always willing to experiment in the kitchen. Frankly, when I saw him pull out the griddle this morning less than an hour before we had to leave for church I was less than excited. If there’s one breakfast food I really could care less for its pancakes (and the mess that would be left until after church). Quickly I snuck into the pantry to grab a quick bowl of granola cereal so I could avoid eating pancakes.

When David started pulling out cream cheese and powdered sugar I started to think I it all wrong and the griddle was a mistake, but David assured me he was indeed making pancakes….cinnamon roll pancakes… just an idea he’d been thinking about trying.
I have to admit I was a little intrigued and the smell was certainly wonderful so I had to at least give them a try. The first words out of my mouth were “WOW, they don’t suck!” In fact they were TOTALLY worth the after church mess! The best part was they were so easy and just took a few extra ingredients so we were not late for church.

Here’s how to do it:

Your favorite pancake mix –we use the ol’ Costco standby Bisquick
Cinnamon Sugar mix –David’s concoction (1/4 cup Cinnamon; 1/4 cup Granulated Sugar; 1/2 Cup Dark Brown Sugar- combined )
Standard Cream Cheese frosting recipe with a little extra milk so it spreads easier

David made the pancake batter per the directions and in small batches transferred enough batter for 4 pancakes to a smaller bowl then poured in some cinnamon sugar and very lightly folded it into the batter to try and get a swirling effect before adding it to the hot griddle. To avoid the hassle of transferring batter you could just mix cinnamon sugar into all the batter at once, but it will all get mixed together without the swirly effect. Cook like normal and then add your little bit of butter before drizzling a little frosting to the first layer, repeat until you have your hot stack of pancakes piled high and add a little extra frosting to the top. Enjoy!


  1. Mmmm, they look awesome! So funny because I just made cinnamon roll popcorn for us to eat while we watch the survivor finale! I think as long as there's cinnamon in it, It won't suck! And yay for posting!

  2. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, we love pancakes in this house, and these look amazing! Cream cheese recipe for anything and I'm there!
