I promise I'm not getting paid for this. Haven't you heard? I do everything for free. That's what stay at home mom means.... Have you seen these yet? Smash books from K & Co. I first saw this video about a 8 months ago and have been waiting patiently for their arrival! I mean technically you could use a note book- we've probably all done that. But something about pretty packaging and double sided glue/pen all-in-one makes me love this! I feel like I'm missing out on all the funny, quirky things my children say or do. I'm too busy cleaning up after them or planning the next fun thing to do to really enjoy them. So for Easter I bought myself a smash book. And little smasheroos to go with it. That's my word, not theirs. I'm trying to keep it in the car, cause basically, that's where I live. Instead of handing back my phone to the kids to play with in the car, I can hand them this book. (handy for older kids obviously) To write about what they did that day. Or to doodle. Or to write me love notes. (What? I can pretend can't I?) Instead of dreaming on pinterest while waiting for piano lessons, or gymnastics or dr appts, I can pull out this smash book and write what funny thing my 3 yr old said that day. I feel so desperate to capture these memories, so I'm sucker for any product that is cutely wrapped that can help me. I keep hearing from older mom's "they just grow up too fast!", "enjoy every moment!" or "I just miss them being so little." But I tend to hear this as I'm checking out at the grocery store, signing/paying one handed, while football tucking my toddler under my arm as he tries to escape. And obviously, he's kicking and screaming. (Your kid's never done that have they?) It's hard to enjoy them while they're on the floor screaming (while people are trying to decide if you're the parent or a kidnapper) (Really, a kidnapper? You think someone really wants to take this kid at this point lady?) laying across the door opening of the grocery store only to have grown adults step over him/her to get inside. (This has never happened to ya either huh?) Or hiding inbetween pallets at Costco where only 3ft and under can get and you're trying to coax them out in your overly sweet-in-public mommy voice but internally you're cursing.... (still lying to yourself or are ya ready to admit it with me peeps?) I know these moments are going to pass and hopefully I will forget all the bad ones and only remember how they called juice "motorcycle juice" or chick-fila "chick-o-lay". Yes, please help me forget the embarrassment of 1-4pm church with a napless 3yr old. Let me only write down and remember the cuteness. Every single hand blowing kiss & wave, every compliment they've ever given me, or a friend has given me about them. Let me only remember the picked dandelions and the roly poly friends and worms found in pockets as I do laundry. Smash book, you could be a mother's best friend...... the kind of friends that only remember your best days and tend to not mention your less-than-flattering days.
>Here's a few ideas I found:

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