Here is what I've found:
image found here: Only $60. I just ordered this dress and I'm so hopeful it's as cute on me as this model. Crossing fingers..... and toes!

A little pricier at $90. This dress is also in yellow polka dot. How cute is that?
image found here:
at $60 this dress is perfect for easter! And it comes in turquoise too!
adorable swimsuit found here:
As much as I love the color yellow, sadly I cannot wear it. It looks horrible with my skin tone. Something about pasty white-ish, blueish skin next to yellow makes me look sickly! But I can dream anyway!
this one's from too and has an adorable white with tiny black polka dots skirt. So cute!

Anyway- There are some options out there and I really want to support stores that carry these items. Yes, lets stick with that when my husband sees the bank statements. I'm helping the world be more modest! Happy shopping peeps!
Disclaimer- my husband has never looked at a bank statement, let alone even know which bank we're at. It's something I love about him!
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