My little brother got married this last weekend. We are thrilled for him and his adorable wife. We couldn't be happier that Avery married way above his paygrade! (smiles) The wedding took place at a chapel across the street from our historic home we grew up in. Then, the reception was held at our family home. I was way too busy to take pictures of everything and am totally regretting it. We had about 160+ people to feed though, so the pictures had to wait. My brother Ryan created an amazing meal, with the help of my other brother Eric & BIL Zac. The food was to die for & about 1.5hrs into the reception I was able to snag a bite or two. We had steak and chicken with fabulous sauces I can't even pronounce. A pasta salad like you've never known. A tomato and mozzarella salad. A spinach salad. They sound basic, but my brother puts amazing fresh herbs & spices (and if my mom is nearby about 2lbs of butter) into these dishes and they are as good as any 5 star dining! We had cake balls that we made into topiary trees that were coconut and chocolate. YUM! We had sorbets served in real coconuts, pineapples & lemons. We had a chocolate fountain, it's a tradition you know & it's a whole lot prettier than hooking ourselves up to chocolate I.V's! A party basically comes down to food when you come to our house. And my parents didn't disappoint! My job was refilling the dessert table, and boy did I refill. Probably around 30 times, I can't judge though, that is my favorite spot as well! So unfortunately, I didn't get pictures of the table decor & flower arrangements that we spent 2 days on, or the food that was ridiculously awesome and mesmorizing to look at, or the beautiful yard that my parents spent all summer working on. You'll just have to picture in your mind the prettiest, dreamiest, tastiest wedding you've ever seen and then times that by 10 and you'll come close! (It's a sad dog that can't wag its own tail, right?) I am happy that I actually pawned my camera/4th child off and jumped in some pictures with my siblings. Here's a little sneak peek of our day. I'm just itching to be a wedding planner. It's so much fun dreaming of things and then sending someone else the bill!

Either Avery knows what fabulous sisters he has or he's incredibly excited to marry his highschool sweet heart. I'm pretty sure he's just so stinkin excited to have us as sisters though! (wink, wink)

I loved that they have a sense of humor and played Johnny Cash "I'll walk the line" when they got married. And at the reception they played "Take a chance on me" but it starts out "If you change your mind!" Humor as corny as it gets always wins me over. Have fun in Hawaii you two. Don't worry about me. I'm just sitting here in a pile of laundry, with children who were rarely bathed while I was gone, combing out ratsnests in hair, and trying to figure out where the stink is coming from in my car. Jealous anyone? By the looks of my house, children, fridge, car & husband, I am certain I've been missed!