Happy Mom's Day girlies! Have you ever had a bummer mother's day? The kind where your family tried but just didn't quite get it right? Not that it's EVER happened to me! Sunday's are NOT a day of rest when you have 3 hours of church. First we wake up way too early, fight 3 kids to shower, get dressed and brush teeth. Tackling 2 little girls hair do's makes me almost want to go for the Sinead O'Connor look! Our 6 minute drive to church consists of shoving as much food into their stomachs as possible so they don't complain of hunger, as I try to fan myself from the marathon I felt like I just ran getting them all ready! By the time I get to church my perfectly ironed clothes look like they came out of the bottom of a dirty laundry pile and my makeup (what little I actually had time to put on) is smeared & my "dewy complextion" I was going for looks is more like gothic girl with dripping mascara. Pretty, I know. Then I teach TEN adorable 3 yr old children, which I won't complain because I love them, but think of the 2 hour legistics I may encouter with them! :) So no matter how adorably sweet my hubs and children are that day; lets just say that Mother's Day doesn't always feel quite relaxing. That's when I created Mother's weekend. It starts on Friday peeps & by the time Sunday hits, I'm still in my relaxed coma-like-state & oblivious to the chaos that Sunday entails. I plan all the details. Everything I could possibly want to do, I DO IT! In the past I've gone to New York with girl friends (Don't freak out on me, I'm ALWAYS home on the actual Mother's Day). I've planned a stay-cation getaway with friends where we have dinner reservations, shopping, movies and pedicures for two days. And this year I got away. I've passed this mega outlet center on drives to San Antonio and always wanted to stop, but the idea of pulling over and shopping with three children hasn't been too appealing. So I've thought about this trip for a few months and finally decided to do it this weekend. It was blissful! It was relaxing! It was exactly what I needed to feel like a million bucks. So there you go. No excuses for a lame Mother's Day people. Make your own. Make it fabulous. And whatever your lovely children and hubs plan for Sunday is just the cherry on top! This year my hubs slaved away cooking parmesan chicken with alfredo sauce pasta, creme brulee & homemade macaroons. To my lovely hubs, in my best Randy Jackson impersonation, "Check this: Yo Dog! You did awww-ITE !" And just so I don't seem overly self-absorbed, I also plan a wicked Father's Day weekend! And who needs Birthdays, when you can have Birthweekends?
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