Warning: This post may be a little boring, but might help you relieve stress!
Back in the good old days of living in our apartment, kid-free, cleaning was easy and fast. I could have the whole apartment- all 700 square feet done and clean in a couple hours. Fast forward a couple years to a house with triple the space and a crazy toddler who destroys as fast as I can clean and things aren't as pristine as they used to be. But I will not give up! I took a clean and organization class from
this lady who showed us how to do everything fast and keep up on the house, but the most important piece of information that I took away from that class is when she told us that we need to have a "day" where we schedule to do that certain chore. It's so overwhelming to think of cleaning the entire house in one day with a toddler underfoot, but now I just do my minimum chore for the day (and if I'm feeling especially motivated, I'll do some extra). Things are able to stay managably clean and the house never gets crazy full of dirt. Best of all, keeping on a schedule helps me feel like I accomplished something that day, even if all the toys have been hauled into the living room. Ok, here's the schedule that I use- just tweak it to make it work for you!
My Cleaning Schedule
Monday- Clean bathrooms (tubs, toilets, sinks, mirros, floors)
Tuesday- dust furniture, clean wood floors, water plants
Wednesday- vacuum upstairs and down, change bedsheets and wash them
Thursday- weed garden/ organize/ grocery shopping (whatever needs to be done most)
Friday- get started on laundry
Saturday- finish laundry, fold, put away (I do this Saturday so Zac can fold it:)
Of course we have a constant battle with the clutter, but hubby and I do a 5 minute pickup after we put the little one to bed so I can relax for the night.
Hope this helps some of you!